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Achieve the Smile You’ve Always Wanted With Teeth Whitening in Houston

Because having whiter teeth has now become the number one aesthetic concern of most patients, there are a number of ways to whiten teeth. The most popular method is using a home teeth whitening system that will whiten teeth dramatically. Since teeth whitening only works on natural tooth enamel, it is important to evaluate replacement of any old fillings, crowns, etc. Replacement of any restorations will be done after bleaching so they will match the newly bleached teeth.

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment used to change the color of natural tooth enamel and is an ideal way to enhance the beauty of your smile. Teeth whitening is not permanent. A touch-up may be needed every several years, and more often if you smoke, drink coffee, tea, or wine.

Common Reasons for Teeth Whitening

Patients choose to have teeth whitening in Houston at Sinada Dental for a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • Fluorosis (excessive fluoridation during tooth development)
  • Normal wear of outer tooth layer
  • Stained teeth due to medications (tetracycline, etc.)
  • Yellow, brown stained teeth
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light thats above you when the doctors looking at your teeth
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What Does Teeth Whitening Involve?

The type of teeth whitening we offer at Sinada Dental usually requires two visits. At the first appointment, impressions (molds) will be made of your teeth to fabricate custom clear plastic trays.

At your second appointment, you will try on the trays for proper fit, and adjustments will be made if necessary. The trays are worn with a special whitening solution either twice a day for 30 minutes or overnight for a couple of weeks, depending on the degree of staining and desired level of whitening. It is normal to experience tooth sensitivity during the time you are whitening your teeth, but it will subside shortly after you have stopped bleaching.

You will receive care instructions for your teeth and trays, and be encouraged to visit your dentist regularly to help maintain a beautiful, healthy, white smile.

Why Choose Sinada Dental for Teeth Whitening in Houston?

At Sinada Dental, your teeth whitening in Houston will be handled by our team of skilled dental professionals. With a wealth of experience in both cosmetic and restorative dentistry, our dentists utilize the most modern and effective dental technologies and procedures.

We’ll go above and beyond to provide you with personalized care, high-quality results, and a comfortable, stress-free treatment experience. Simply contact our office today if you’d like to learn more or schedule an exam.

Teeth Whitening FAQ

Should I get a dental cleaning before undergoing teeth whitening?

Will teeth whitening damage my enamel?

Is anything special required before or after teeth whitening?

Should I get a dental cleaning before undergoing teeth whitening?

Yes, to achieve the best possible results from your teeth whitening, you may want to undergo a dental cleaning before the treatment. Eliminating any plaque and tartar that may be present will help the procedure be more effective.

Will teeth whitening damage my enamel?

It is possible for teeth whitening to cause damage to tooth enamel. However, when the procedure is done under the care of experienced dental professionals like our team at Sinada Dental, the likelihood of enamel damage will be greatly reduced.

Is anything special required before or after teeth whitening?

Other than having your teeth cleaned to maximize your results, there’s no special preparation required for teeth whitening. After the treatment, you’ll want to refrain from eating or drinking anything that could stain your teeth for at least 48 hours. This includes coffee, red wine, juice, and anything containing artificial coloring. You should also not smoke for at least a few days after your treatment.

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Your teeth and mouth are the backbone to a healthy and beautiful life. You deserve trusted hands and veteran dentists by your side. Whether its cosmetic dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, or even just a general cleaning, we know how to provide the utmost in comfort, care and results.

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