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Reliable Emergency Dentist in Houston

Dental emergencies are, unfortunately, fairly common. If a problem comes up, we at Sinada Dental are here for you! For example, if you need relief from a toothache, an embarrassing broken tooth, swollen gums, or even if you’ve knocked a tooth loose, call our office and we’ll promptly address the problem and get you feeling better. Unexpected dental emergencies often cause anxiety and discomfort, but the problem can be managed far better when you choose the expert services of an experienced dental clinic such as Sinada Dental in Houston. Your dentist will provide a reasonable treatment plan according to the exam findings and type of injury.

some of the tools the nurses and doctors use for your teeth
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Dental Emergencies Come in Many Forms

Broken or knocked-out teeth are common examples of dental emergencies. These problems can occur because of accidents at home, in the car, or from sports-related injuries. If you seek care quickly, the dentist can sometimes use the broken tooth to aid in your recovery. Other oral injuries could result in chipped or cracked teeth. When these chips do not go deep into the tooth, they can be treated with cosmetic options to create a more natural look for the damaged tooth. This can be done with ceramic crowns, ceramic veneers, or even resin bonding. All of these options can be matched to the color of your teeth to restore your smile. However, if the injury goes deeper, your dentist may instead recommend a root canal to clean out and restore the area, especially in the case of nerve damage.

Unfortunately, it is also fairly common for dental emergencies involving a toothache to keep you from sleeping or eating. Don’t let the pain continue! Come see us right away; we can help with that too. Your toothache could be from a major cavity or from an infection deep underneath the tooth and gums. When the tooth is too damaged or the abscess too big, an emergency extraction could be the right solution. If, however, the infection can be resolved and the tooth is savable, the dentists at Sinada Dental may recommend the tooth be kept. If the tooth is savable, our first priority is getting you comfortable by getting rid of your toothache and resolving the infection. This is accomplished by a root canal procedure which treats the infection deep within the tooth. We then restore the appearance of the tooth with a crown.

Contact Us at Sinada Dental for Dental Emergencies in Houston

No matter what your dental emergency is, call us for an appointment at Sinada Dental, where we always make your comfort and proper dental care our priority. Our highly skilled and respected emergency dentists in Houston will provide you with prompt, effective treatment to restore your comfort and help you get your dental health back on track.

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Your teeth and mouth are the backbone to a healthy and beautiful life. You deserve trusted hands and veteran dentists by your side. Whether its cosmetic dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, or even just a general cleaning, we know how to provide the utmost in comfort, care and results.

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