
Seeking Emergency Dental Care in Houston

Dental emergencies are unfortunately fairly common. If a problem comes up, we're here for you! If you need relief from a toothache, an embarrassing broken tooth, have swollen gums, or have even knocked a tooth loose, call our office and we’ll promptly address the prob...

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Things to Consider When Choosing a Houston Dentist

If you're looking for a new dentist, there are a few things you should consider before you make your final decision. Every dentist will have a unique personality and approach to care, so you should keep the following things in mind when you make your choice:Their Overall Ap...

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Best Types of Dental Floss

If you visit the dental aisle of your supermarket or pharmacy, you may see dozens or even hundreds of types and brands of floss. It can be hard to choose a type of floss when there are so many options. All dental floss accomplishes the same thing, so it's mostly a matter...

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5 Tips for a Bright Post Holiday Smile

The holiday season has ended, and you may be concerned about how your smile will look in the new year. If you want it to stand out, here are some tips.Eat a Healthy DietEating right is the cornerstone to good health, but it is especially important for your teeth. A diet rich in f...

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Root Canals for Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth may be just a nuisance, but the problem can get worse and worse over time. Even if you use sensitive toothpaste and take great care of your teeth, sensitivity can eventually turn into serious pain. If you have sensitive teeth, you should schedule an appointment wi...

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Five Dental New Year’s Resolutions

Almost everyone makes at least one New Year's resolution as a way of bettering themselves and making positive changes in their lives. If you haven’t decided on a New Year’s resolution yet, you should consider committing to a dental-related goal. Here are five he...

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What Are The Factors That Influence Dental Implants Recovery Time?

Dental implants provide a permanent technique for teeth replacement. This process involves a prosthetic and a surgical component. However, the surgical component needs time to heal. The most frequently asked question regarding dental implants is how long it takes for one to recov...

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Five New Years Resolutions from Your Houston Dentist

New Year's resolutions are an annual ritual of self growth and reflection. It’s a time to set goals for a healthier mind and body. While most resolutions involve losing weight or quitting a bad habit, oral health should not be overlooked, especially when it comes to y...

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Thanksgiving Foods To Eat For Oral Health

Thanksgiving is on its way, and it's a day when people eat as much food as they can and take a break from the diets they have been on.You don’t have to look far to find the kinds of recipes that can help you stick to your healthy eating routine, and many of them are d...

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Medications And Your Dental Health

Do I Need to Tell my Dentist About the Medications I am Taking?You will need to let your dentist know about the medications you are taking. You will also need to let your dentist know about any medical conditions that you have. It is important for your dentist to have the most ac...

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Your teeth and mouth are the backbone to a healthy and beautiful life. You deserve trusted hands and veteran dentists by your side. Whether its cosmetic dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, or even just a general cleaning, we know how to provide the utmost in comfort, care and results.

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